Saturday, May 5, 2018

Week 40:Noche Salpicon y Conozco Los Mormons

Hola Familia y amigos!

Este semana fue muy buena!

Tuesday was a whole lot of working.  Had some lecciones with some recent converts Miguel Chota y Alfonzo Mangabiera. Then Wednesday we had an awesome leccion con Luiz Alfredo. He'd read all the way to 2 nefi! He's really starting to gain his testimony, we had a good leccion with him about the word of wisdom and he told us he's going to try his best to stop drinking so he can feel the spirit more! Then we had a leccion con Carolina Curico one of our recent converts, she's in 2 Nefi too and she's a stud. She wants to go on a mission but wants to go to college first so we're working on changing her mind so she can go as soon as possible! Thursday we had a cool leccion at the Rehab center talking about prophets. We had about 20 people there listening to us, it's pretty cool to get to go out there and teach a bunch of young people that are trying to change their lives.  Their is only one girl there and she speaks english and wants to improve her english so we gave her the ensign of the October general conference. She  said she hasn't had God in her life for a long time but she said that reading the Ensign is making her want to have God in her life again, that was really powerful. Then later we had a noche de hogar( Family Home Evening) with Carolina's family, a lot of people live in her house and some of them don't like us mormons too much so we did the only thing we knew we could... we brought a movie and food! We watched Meet the Mormons with Carolina and her family so her family could learn a little more about Mormons and it went really well, her dad is more interested in hearing our message and I really think that Carolina is going to bring a lot of the members of her family into the gospel. Friday was tough but fun, lots of lecciones fell through so we ended up just walking and contacting all day but that night we had a Branch NDH . We played Ping pong, chess, musical chairs and everything. We had alot of members there and we had a good amount of investigators there too, it was really fun!! Saturday we just contacted all day, we went to this pretty scetchy place in our area called La Union, and we found a pretty cool family that we're going to work with more this week! Sunday was busy but difficult too. Church was cool, it was a regional zone conference for Colombia and Ecuador but Sunday was also election day here in Colombia for governor. We had maybe 30 people at church and 2 of our investigators were there so that was cool! Then after church all of our lecciones fell through so we ended up contacting all day again.

 Then today I bought groceries,and I bought a shower curtain because our house is missing a window and my desk always gets wet when it rains so I hung it up outside and I hope that works!  I also found a really cool handmade chess set that I bought. I'll have pictures next week because my memory card would not work but my comp and I just fixed it so I'll pictures next week!!   Love and miss you all! Hope you all had a great week andthat you all have a great week this week!

Nos Vemos!!

Elder McBride

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