Sunday, July 22, 2018

Week 51:Colombian Costco, Leaders Meeting, Emergency transfers, and helping the Sisters move!

Hola familia y amigos! 

This week was pretty weird. First off last Monday after we wrote we went to a place called Price Smart and it is literally Colombia Costco. I went with Elder Willes and we bought Pop tarts and Goldfish. It was weird eating goldfish again for the first time in over a year! Then we got Costco pizza and a chicken bake. Then the next day we had the leader's meeting. It was pretty fun especially because I got to see a bunch of my friends. Elder Justice, Elder Hubbard, Elder Cabral, and Elder Gregersen! Then after we had that meeting we drove back to Neiva. That was another 6 hour bus ride and we got back at 3 am Wednesday morning. Wednesday was rough because I was super tired. We had some good lecciones, we went out on visits with a member of the church which was nice.  One of the really cool families we had been teaching dropped us because their pastor told them that since they were listening to us they didn't have faith. That was pretty rough, It's sad to see stuff like that happen but that's why we always invite people to pray and ask God! We don't ask them to ask us or their pastor but really ask God with faith and they'll get their answer! I hope we'll get to pass by for them later in the future! Then Thursday we went to one of our investigadores B-day party that was pretty fun!   Next we had an Interview with a friend of the Sister Missionaries in our District and then we had an English class that night it was a packed day. Then Friday not a whole lot happened, we had meetings in the morning and that took forever but we had a cool leccion with another member who accompanied us again! 

 Saturday we helped the Sister Missionaries move apartments! That was fun but pretty rough!!haha. We moved them out of their second floor apartment to a 4th floor apartment. The first part was easy but the second part was pretty rough. The apartment on the 4th floor didn't have an elevator and it was a spiraling stair case. So we had to move 3(yes 3) fridges up 4 flights of winding stairs haha it was a fun workout but I'm glad we don't do that daily! We also found a cool family Saturday night just out contacting, they seem really interested and I'm excited to go pass by for them later this week! Sunday was cool, went to church with Marco and Santiago.  I pushed Marco to church in his wheelchair again, I love getting to do that. I get to see how excited he is to go to church and I’m grateful for the opportunity  to help him get there! I hope I get to help him go to church for many more weeks to come! 

Then later we had an "Asado" with some recent converts in the Ward. An Asado is basically a BBQ and it was super good! They're super cool people! Then some craziness happened this morning. We get a call at like 6 ish in the morning because the other missionaries in our ward Elder Willes and Elder Trujillo both got emergency transfered and they closed Palmas 1. So we threw on our clothes and went with them to the bus terminal to help with their bags and get the keys to the church and their house. It was pretty sad, I really like Elder Willes and Elder Trujillo. But now it's just Elder De Lama and me holding down the fort here in Las Palmas. We're going to merge the areas and work in both so we have to learn both areas pretty fast! Then we played soccer in the zone and then I got my haircut! That's it from this week! This next week will be pretty crazy too! We have Interviews with President and Zone Conferences so we’ll see what happens! I love and miss you all! I hope you're all doing well! I know that this is the true church of God and that he loves each and everyone of you and he listens to and will answer your prayers!

Nos vemos próximamente!

Elder McBride

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