Saturday, July 7, 2018

Week 49: English classes and Colombians throwing flour!!

Hola famila y amigos!

Wow this week went by flying(still super hot tho)! So Tuesday we had zone and district meetings. It was weird to be in a zone meeting again after 4 months in Leticia. We also have English classes every Tuesday and Thursday so I gave my first "I don't know how to teach English but we have a book so it's not too bad" English class, really fun honestly and a good way to get investigadores and to get people to the chapel. Then Wednesday we had a really great leccion with the Fam Aroyo, they're super great people and we taught them about the word of wisdom. They don't even put sugar in their juice so they loved the Word of Wisdom and they said they're gonna live it! We have a NDH(family home evening) planned with them for this week and we're going to watch Meet TheMormons and eat peanut butter/jelly sandwiches! 

Then Thursday happened. Colombia played. Colombia won. The Colombian people are very passionate about their futbol and we were walking in the streets and there was a HUGE  moto gang of people just cruzing down the streets in their jerseys screaming and they love to throw flour when they win so everyone was covered in flour.  Yeah...they threw flour at us and we had flour all over(sadly don't have a pic because we didn't have our cameras) and we had to clean ourselves up fast! haha. 

Friday was just a lot of hard work looking for some people to teach. Saturday we had a cool leccion with the Familia Quitiaquez. They read the BOM and told us that they know it's true. I love that feeling...when yo see the power of the BOM working in the life's of others when they start to read it and then how their lives start to change. It was a really spiritual moment. Then later that night we taught a Messianic  Jew which was honestly super cool, he told us a little about his beliefs and we taught leccion 1 and gave him a BOM. Then Sunday was cool, had 3 investigadores at church which is awesome!  Everytime they come to church they want to come back and it's just super cool to see the way that the church changes the people that you meet. It’s like they're different people, they're happier and just have a different sense about them. Then today, went to a member's house she taught us how to sew real fast(You'd be proud of me mom!!) Then we bought some groceries and then went to lunch as a district which was a fun bonding time. 

Yesterday Presidente Baquerizo left and President Palhua got here. I'm greatful for the time I had with Presidente/Hna Baquerizo.I love them and I'm going to miss them alot. I'm also excited to work with Presidente/Hna Palhua I know that they've been called of God to be in charge of this mission and I'm excited to get to know them. That's it for this week. I love and miss you guys. Hope you're all doing well! I know Christ lives, I know that this is his church and this is his work and I'm honored to have this opportunity to serve in his vineyard.

Con mucho CariƱo!

Elder McBride

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