Saturday, April 28, 2018

Week 39: Fuimos al templo, yo me cai en el pantano, y un detente vino

Hola familia y amigos!

Sorry I'm going to have to keep this letter short, Here in Leticia we
had a huge storm and all the internet places are worse than normal so
I hope this goes out! Tuesday after the zone conference my comp and I
went to a really nice mall in Bogota to go eat dinner, we had these
huge hamburgers from a place called El Corral. It was super good, the
mall had a cinnabon in it and that was crazy didn't think I'd see one
of those in Colombia. Then Wednesday was awesome, we got up at 4 in the
morning and went to the Bogota Temple, it was an amazing experience, I
love the temple and I'm so glad I got to go! Then we went right from
the temple to the airport to jump on a plane back to Leticia. 

Thursday I had an intercambio with Elder Hoffman, that was awesome fun to go out with a kid from my CCM group!    Friday I had an intercambio with Elder Jeppson and we were walking in this little neighborhood that is literally above a Pantano(swamp) and we were on a really old wooden bridge and the bridge broke and I fell into the swamp...that was sad and disgusting but it was pretty funny in the moment. Then Saturday I was sick, I had the cold pretty bad but we just went out and worked like normal. That  night we had to go to the chapel because a 70 was coming to Leticia so we start to walk to the Chapel and it just starts to pour down rain, tropical rainstorm and we walked all through that storm and the 70 wasn't there because his plane couldn't land.  My cold got worse after that haha, I slept in a long sleeve shirt and socks in 90 degree weather because I was cold haha! Then Sunday was really cool, the 70 was there and he gave an amazing talk about Patriarachal Blessings, then he just left super fast after his talk. 

M comp and I went to have a leccion with the director of the Rehab center David Porras. He'd been doing really good but then he had something really sad happen in his family and he says he doesn't know if he wants god in his life. It made me really sad because this is when he needs God and Christ the most. We explained to him that Christ has already suffered for all of our pains,sins, and sadness so he can support us when we're indifficult times. If we don't allow Christ's atonement to work in our life then he suffered for us in vain. I love the fact that he loved each and everyone of us so much that he willingly suffered for us so that he could help us when we're struggling, so that we don't have to suffer like he did. I invite everyone to turn to Christ when life gets hard or when we think that no one has ever felt our pain before because it's not true, Christ felt everything we could possibly feel and more and he is always there for us when we need him, we just need to turn to him! 

Today we all got haircuts and Elder Hoffman and Elder Jeppson set up a ping pong table in their house so we all played chess and ping pong today! I love and miss you all, I hope you're all doing well and hope that you all have a great week!

Chao Nos Vemos!

Elder McBride

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