Saturday, April 14, 2018

Week 37: When you don’t have book of Mormons, or water...but you have a baptism and the Bomoeros(firefighters)!

Hola familia y amigos!

This week was pretty crazy. Tuesday and Wednesday we just straight up
worked, we still didn't have Book of Mormon's so it was pretty hard to
find some new people to teach but this week we found a nice family
that are living in pretty humble circumstances and we're going to have
more visits with them this week.

 This week was really focused on Juan Carlos, a really cool 15 year old kid. We had some great lecciones with him this week preparing him for his baptism, he reads the BOM every day and he even went to 5am seminary so he could get baptized. 
Friday we had his baptismal interview and everything was ready for Saturday! Then Saturday came and it did not go as planned! We find out that the chapel doesn't have water! that means that we can't fill the baptismal font and Juan Carlos can't get baptized so we do what you normally do... we go to the Firefighters! We made a deal with the Firefighters and they came to the chapel with the firetruck and filled the baptismal font with the firehose! It was pretty hilarious, I got to get in the truck and put on the hat and jacket the whole 9 yards, I felt like I was in Elementary school again when the Firefighters came! Then we had Juan Carlos' Baptism, it was amazing, the spirit was so strong and he was so happy, you could really feel the love that he has for the Lord and Sunday at church he was confirmed. Also on Sunday my comp and I taught gospel principles class(we were not told we would be teaching gospelprinciples class), then some members gave us money to go buy lunch(we're working on teaching keep the sabbath day holy) so we ate ramen in the house. 

We also are preparing 2 people to get baptized this next week, Carolina Curico and Alfonso Mangabeda, they're both awesome. Carolina told us how she got her answer that the Book of Mormon is true that she prayed to God and she got the overwhelming feeling that it's true and knows that this it the true church. There's
nothing better than when you get to see the change in peoples life when they realize how precious the Book of Mormon is. Working without the book of mormon as a missionary has been pretty tough but it's helped me realize how blessed we all are that we have the scriptures so easily accessible! I love the BOM and I know anyone who does what Carolina did, will come to find the truthfulness and the joy that is
the BOM!

  Then today was a good adult-prep day. My comp and I sat in the bank for like 2 hours so we could pay a bill! That's really it, It's really hot here but I love it and I'm excited to share the gospel with the people of Leticia! I love and miss you all, I hope you're alldoing well!

Elder McBride

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