Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Week 14: Lots of work, a really awkward meeting, and a surprise Batism!

Hola Familia y amigos!!

This week was really good, but not a whole lot to talk about. We contacted a lot this week, like an hour everyday. We found 8 new investigadors this week which was really good. We found a family that had been investigating the church  7 years ago, they already had a book of mormon and everything, we're going to really work hard with them and try and get them back to church. Also this week we had an awesome leccion with a kid name Jullbraainer. He's 20 and his sister is a member and he went to church and when we got home he said he felt really good, he wanted to change his life, and serve a mission! It was amazing, we have more citas set with him this week and it really shows that there are people out there that are prepared to accept the gospel. Then the next day we had a leccion with a familia that we've been teaching, but when we got there there was people from another church there so we ended up joining them and listen to this guy preach for like 30 minutes. It was really awkward but it was more funny than uncomfortable. We also are teaching the parents of some members right now, the son is getting ready to serve a mission and goes out with us for citas sometimes. We taught them about eternal families and temple marriage, then the son and daughter bore their testimonies about the church and how their family would be blessed through a temple marriage and sealing. The spirit was so strong in that leccion, it was amazing. 

Then the next day the rama was having a baptism and we were invited to attend which was awesome. Then about 15 minutes before the baptism we got a call and found out that I would be Baptizing! So we ran home and got all my stuff and we went to the baptism. I got to Baptize Julia Rodriguez, she's 8 and her mom is a member but they are kind of inactive because of things with their family but it was such an honor to get to baptize her. She was so happy and i'm honored that I got to be a part of it.

 Today Elder Araujo and I ate KFC again because it's cheap and then we went and bought food for the next two weeks. I have a lot of Ramen, eggs, and yogurt. I've eaten ramen for the past 4 nights!! The Mission is awesome!! It's hot here but I really like it. It's a lot of work and sometimes it's really hard but I'm loving it!! We've been using Helaman 5:12 a lot in our lecciones and I love that scripture. No matter how hard something is, or if we think we can’t do it, if we put all our faith in Christ we can withstand whatever trial in our lifes!! That’s  all I have for this week. Love and Miss you guys! I hope all is well!

Elder McBride

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