Monday, September 25, 2017

Week Nine

Hola Familia y Amigos,

 Today is officially the two months mark in the mission which is really weird. This week went by really fast. We had a giant two hour long leccion on Tuesday with Emma and Lina so they could get baptized on Saturday. Then Wednesday we had intercambios with the Zone Leaders. We spent the night at their apartment, we all talked about our families and friends and showed each other pictures from home. It was really fun..... but then my companion and I had to spend the night sleeping on really bad air mattresses.  I got about an hour of sleep but it was all ok because in the morning I got to take a hot shower!! I'd forgotten that those were a thing!  
  I had the chance to be companions with Elder Sorbonne  he's awesome, it was a really fun day. Thursday we had a follow up appointment with Emma and Lina for their Baptisms. Then Friday was reuniones de zona y distritu but also interviews with the Presidente. That was really fun, I have an awesome Mission Presidente! Then Saturday came, we did our studies, had lunch with a member family and then went over and got Emma and Lina for their Baptisms. We filled out paper work for about an hour and then we took a bus to the church. Then I got to Baptize Lina on her Birthday, it was on of my favorite moments so far, it was also amazing to see Emma be baptized at the age of 88.  It was super spiritual. Then Sunday came, we were in the Chapel and Sacrament started and Emma and Lina were not there, but they were supposed to get confirmed. Sacrament meeting just kept going and about halfway through I prayed that they would be able to make it and be Confirmed Members of the Church. For some reason sacrament meeting ended up going 15 minutes longer than usual, and right before we were about to sing the closing hymn, Emma and Lina walked in and were confirmed. It was a miracle, I was so happy for them.
                                                                                                                                       Later that night we had a leccion with a progressing investigator the Garzon Familia. We watched Meet The Mormons and then talked about how members of the church are just regular normal people. It was especially cool becuase the Garzons have a son serving in Chile right now and we were able to talk about Missionary work a lot. Then we forgot we didn't ride our bikes there and we had to run a mile to get to our house by 9:30. Then today for P day we just chilled in our house.  We cleaned, went and ate lunch, watched Joseph Smith The Restoration, and took naps. Then we ate ice cream two different times before we came to write!
                                                                                                                                                  Thank you guys for all the prayers. I love and miss you all and hope you're all doing well!
Elder McBride

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