Monday, September 18, 2017

Week eight

Hola familia y amigos!!

This week was a lot of fun. It was super hot the first couple days in the 100s but then it poured down rain for  2 days straight and I never thought I would miss the rain, but I did and it was glorious. We had a ton of lecciones this week, it was honestly kind of insane. We taught the first leccion probably about 20 times this week, and we got 18 new investigators which is amazing. The people here are the best, everyone is just super nice all the time. We have lunch with members everyday, and I just love getting to know them and talk with them. We got to do service for one family in the ward, familia Ortiz, and we moved a giant, old, rusty, fridge and it was a ton of fun. When we finished moving the fridge we found a giant toad where the fridge had been, my comp Elder Araujo picked it up and had me touch it, it was pretty nasty. One morning I also found a giant cockroach in our house so me and my companion chased it around with a broom for 10 minutes until we got it out of the house. We also don't have a washing machine so every Thursday we call this guy and he brings us a washing machine, it's really cool he just hauls it up the stairs, we use it for a couple hours and then he comes and takes it back.

The people we teach are amazing. We're teaching this super sweet old lady Emma, and her grandaughter Lina. Emma is 88 years old and lina is 12. They live 30 minutes away from us by bike so it's always a trek out there, but they were at church this Sunday and they came up and told us they want to be baptized this week! We're super excited for them, the only problem is they don't have very many lecciones so this Tuesday we're going to have a giant 2 hour long leccion with all the lecciones so they can get baptized this Saturday! Also our neighbor, Jorge, fixed our toilet so we don't have to use our hands to flush it anymore! 

Then this Sunday we had the the most unusual couple of lecciones. First we had a leccion with a referencia familia. The leccion went great but their 3 month old dog had been sick for a while and it ended up dying during our leccion. It was really sad and upsetting to see them upset. We helped clean up and get the dog ready to be buried. Then we had another leccion with someone  we met while contacting. His name is Jorge Gutierrez and he let us in and we had an amazing first leccion, the spirit was so strong. He accepted a book of mormon and said he'd read the whole thing. He was wearing a Colombia soccer team jersey and had a bunch of posters of the team on the wall and while we were leaving I asked him what team it was and where I could buy a jersey because I wanted to purchase one. Then he just walks into another room and gives me a brand new jersey! It was insane, just randomly an investigator in the first leccion just gave me a brand new jersey. The people here honestly might be the nicest people on earth, I love everyone we talk to they are all just amazing people. Then today Elder Araujo and I went and hung out with our Zonde leaders Elder Mohr from Texas and Elder Sorbonne from Utah. We went and ate amazing mexican food and then my companion  bought us all ice cream. Then my companion and I went shopping so we finally have a full fridge, it's a beautiful sight! Then Elder Araujo and I watched the restoration movie in our apartment while I ate an entire oreo sleeve. It was an awesome week. And one funny thing, the two biggest things down here in Colombia is Crocs and Minions. Everyone has crocs and everyone loves the minions here, it's hilarious. I hope next week will be as great as this week! Thank you guys for all the prayers and I hope you're all doing well. Love and miss you all!

Elder McBride

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