Saturday, June 16, 2018

Week 46: Crazy Colombian Week

Hola familia y amigos!

This last week was pretty crazy. Wednesday  I had an intercambio with Elder Amick, he's really cool I was with him when we were both in Villo, had a good day, taught some good people and had a good time.   Thursday and Friday was not to great, I was pretty sick so we didn't get to do a whole lot. Then Saturday was back to normal, had an awesome leccion con Lina y Jorge they're amazing people and they just want to do the right things and come closer to God. It's cool to see them change so fast, they have a better relationship, they're happier and they even invited their family to go to church with them! 

Then we had some other good things, passed by lots of our investigadores to invite them to church. Then Sunday came, we had 6 investigadores at church and that was awesome. Than we had a leccion later that day with some of our investigadores that came to church, they live in a super poor part of leticia. They live in a wooden house on stilts sticking out of a large stream by the amazon river, the told us how every year when the river rises their house floods and they cant live there.  Also how last year  they lived for a month in a public park because they had nowhere to live. It was extremely sad and humbling to hear their story, and even though all this stuff has happened to them and they're super poor they're always super happy no matter what. They’re  a great example to me of what we need to focus on in life and how we can decide if we want to be happy or not no matter our circumstances. We're going to keep working with them and we're going to get them married and baptized!! Then Monday was insane, we went on a bike ride with the young men in a place called "Kilometros" in our area it's literally just a road that goes on for kilometers. We biked out with them on these small women's bikes out into the middle of nowhere where some members friends have a house. It was pretty fun, we played town of salem with the young men, laid in hammocks and ate a good lunch. Then we rode back and got our haircut. 

Was a really good week, excited for this upcoming week, the World Cup is going to start this week so that's going to be crazy here cuz I'm right on the border of  
Colombia and Brazil, we'll see what happens! I love and miss you guys hope you're all doing well, enjoying summer and enjoying life!! I want you all to know that Christ lives and he loves you! He's always there for us when we do our part! I hope you all can put  Christ  at the center of your lives  this week and see the happiness that he brings!!

Elder McBride

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