Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week 25: Acacias,2 almuerzos(lunches), and a zoo!

Hola Familia y Amigos!

This week was a really good week, and went by pretty fast. Tuesday we went to this place called La Madrid, we don't go out there a lot but we had some lecciones with members and got to teach one of their family members which was cool. Then Wednesday  we had an awesome leccion with Consuelo, she is totally ready to get baptized!!! She left to go visit her son for a month so we have to wait until she gets back to continue, so that was kind of rough. Thursday nothing really happened but we contacted a lot but didn't really have any success, and we helped a member take down a Christmas  tree.  Then Friday we went to this place called Acacias it is really really far away, we had to take the same bus that we take when we go to Bogotá . It was really cool though because they were playing Captain  America  Civil War!! When we arrived we had a leccion with a guy in Acacias who's son is a member living in the United States and it was awesome! We also taught his wife and his daughter too, so we are  going back up there next Friday.  Saturday was interesting we had lunch with some members which was awesome... and then we had lunch with some investigators and  that was awesome too, but afterwards we were sooo full, it was hard to ride our bikes. On Sunday we have 8 am church which isn't really tough for us but it's tough to get investigators to come to church because  it's so early.  We passed by the houses of investigators but no one was awake so we thought we weren't going to have any investigators at church. When we arrived at church the investigators that gave us lunch on Saturday showed up and loved it!! The members were awesome talking to them and our investigator Mauricio said " yeah it's our first time but the plan is to keep on coming" it was great!  They really felt the spirit there and I really think now their progression is going to sky rocket! It really was a testimony builder for me about the importance of going to church. Then today was a lot of fun, we got up and cleaned the house and then we went to a Zoo here in Villo. It was awesome they had turtles, parrots, monkeys, crocodiles, and jaguars! That was about it love and miss you guys!!


Elder McBride

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